[My attempt to post a link to http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?type=&keyWords=i+wept+by+the+rivers+of+babylon&x=-888&y=-8&sitesearch=lulu.com&q= failed.]
It seems that the book is not on Amazon yet.
i just finished reading this book, by our terry, and i thorougly enjoyed it.
terry has an amazing gift for words and expression - as most of you already know - and he lured me in from the very start.
reading this book is an actual experience... and i don't want to say much more than that, because i don't want to color your experience as you read for yourself.. .
[My attempt to post a link to http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?type=&keyWords=i+wept+by+the+rivers+of+babylon&x=-888&y=-8&sitesearch=lulu.com&q= failed.]
It seems that the book is not on Amazon yet.
i think wickedness comes from evil people.. there are many people in between the two extremes of, overly good people and overly evil persons.. i do not believe in a devil.. i think he is a concept dreampt up by evil ones to blame bad behavior, as a red herring, on anyone but themselves.. the watchtower makes up attrocious lies, brow beats good people not to better themselves,.
all the while, they are building their own empire.. they say, do not isiolate yourself.
it is not good for you.. but if you don't agree with them and their current teachings, you will be shunned, disfellowshipped.. that can and does, have earth shattering results.. so many things, i was taught as a born in, are now considered apostate teachings.
Q.: Where Do You NOW Think Wickedness Comes From?
A.: My pants.
i had been wondering over the past few years whether there really was a historical jesus at all, until a few months ago when i read bart ehrman's latest book "did jesus exist?
" initially i was persuaded by his argument that the nt contains multiple sources that testify to jesus' existence.
but more recently i have been reading the christ myth position of richard carrier and his responses to ehrman.
Maybe there was a person at that time in history, but he was no more the messiah than you and I are.
Today there are 52 people in the USA named "Clark Kent." None of them are Superman.
i just joined this site after researching the recent 'new light" my daughter is an unbaptized witness, as well as her husband and my grandchildren.
i was baptized in the 80s but i am inactive for years now because of changes and inconsintancies etc.. .
if the sheep and the goats teaching has been changed to happen after the great tribultaion, or after armageddon then this would mean that everyone would not be seperated or judged until after armageddon has occured.
Highly reccommended:
(why do I get the plain-text editor?)
Q.: What kind of scandal would cause most JW to leave the "truth"?
A.: I note that you specify "most JWs" in your question. For an answer, I think we need to look at WATCHTOWER history and look to see what caused massive, large-scale defections in the past. Fortunately, WATCHTOWER history offers plenty of these kinds of incidents to examine.
"New Light" will never do it. Yes, SOME will leave as a result of the cognitive dissonance caused by some "New Light," but that will never be cause enough for "most JWs" to pack it in. Look at what a relatively small impact the UN scandal caused. Most JWs just shrug that off as a lie even though if they call the Bethel Service Desk, the Service Desk will CONFIRM that it happened.
So, to cut to the chase, I think the answer lies in one word: RUTHERFORD.
The GB are mortal men and like the Mickey Mouse Club, they have to bring in a new member from time to time. IF one of these future GB members proves to be a NEO-RUTHERFORD -- a self-centered sociopathic power-seeker -- THAT could be straw that breaks the camel's back for "most JWs."
Certainly WE of the Apostate Legion have no control over such an ascension. The next beast in the image of Judge Rutherford must arise from the chaotic 'sea' of official Dubdom, an organization by and for MEN. We need only remain vigilant, patiently waiting and watching for that Great Day.
When it happens, the WATCHTOWER will be shattered into hundreds if not thousands of fragments, many being, as there have been today, small home-based groups, but there will also be millions worldwide who will be wondering what to do now. Some will fall prey to almost anyone low enough to offer everlasting life in exchange for submission. Many others will try to make sense of the "new world" they now find themselves in.
That's what I think, and I'm sticking to it until I change my mind.
well, for some jw's the gb new light is very very exciting.
in fact its the most exciting thing that has happened in a very long time.
this is what a long time jw told me.
where are the signs and shirts the professional artist here have designed for jesus christ (according to the jws, not real christians) 100 years of sitting at his father's throne?
i would like to buy some if you will create a cool photo, let's start getting read for the big celebration!
what art work would you put on the shirts, the front and the back?
Check this page, about 81.375% down:
told my husband to put a muzzle on my mouth over the blood dogma.
we all were driving around in field service when the topic of "which fragments would you take if you were in a car accident or cut yourself badly".
said his choice is a personal one, another sister with chronic health problems said she had no problem with the governing body's new light on taking various fragments.
AuntConnie, THAT was a SUPERHERO moment! Good for you!
Giordano, the correct term is "blood fractions."
i'll be curious for any alternative plausible explanations for this...... .
every lifeform on earth, humans, plants, bacteria, cells, anything with life originated with other life.
all trees come from living seeds from other trees, etc.
Nice try, EndOfMysteries. Too bad you are undereducated in the sciences.
IF god made man from the dust of the ground, why did he choose to design our DNA so that it so closely resembles that of simians and ALL OTHER MAMMALS?
Why is man, the "crown of creation" burdened with deficiencies in the design of his skeleton? Our knees and shoulders STINK from a design point of view. Is this the best god could do, or did Adam and Eve have skeletons that are far superior to ours, ours having decrepitated as a result of "sin"?
Why is it that nowhere deep within any organism can we find a byline that says, "made by god"?
You simple proof fails in the light of simple logic.
Did you know that there are simple, inorganic chemicals that are self-organizing? In other words, given an environment in which the raw materials for these compounds are present, the compounds will form spontaneously and "reproduce" "in their own image" until the supply of raw materials runs out.
In the past, (early 20th century and earlier) man lacked the technology to grasp the secrets of the universe. People believed the bible was true because
a) the bible said it was true and
b) there were no viable alternative explanations.
So lots of science was done to "prove" the bible was correct. Unfortunately, in virtually every field of investigation - chemistry, astronomy, archeology, geology - those "proofs" were never found. Instead evidence began piling up that the inerrant word of god was wrong about so many things. Astronomy showed that the earth was not the center of the universe, nuclear chemistry showed how all of the elements "evolved" from hydrogen, archeology found not a single trace of the Israelites wandering in the desert for 40 years, geology shows that life evolved on earth over billions of years, not the 6000 years claimed by Bishop James Usher, who in 1925 backtracked his biblical "begats" and concluded that Adam was created on October 23, 4004 BC, thus launching the field of Bible-basedâ„¢ chronological speculation.
Think about it - only 50 years before Pastor Russell started his career, the date of man's creation was "discerned."
...and in those days, some with eyes of understaning shall come..." - frickinlonians 7. check this page, about 81.375% down:.
like i said, just givin' the cred, so the rocks and stones don't get hoarse.. .
...and in those days, some with eyes of understaning shall come..." - Frickinlonians 7
Check this page, about 81.375% down:
Like I said, just givin' the cred, so the rocks and stones don't get hoarse.
That is all.